A Modern Hypnosis Dictionary:The Letter B
- Bathophobia - Excessive fear of deep water.
- Behaviour Therapy - A means of modifying behaviour by examining the symptoms of a particular problem, then employing various conditioning techniques to modify or remove these symptoms, ie. flooding, reciprocal inhibition, aversion therapy, systematic desensitization, massed practice etc.
- Biofeedback - The use of electronic apparatus to give specific signals to indicate changes in the body. Through using this 'feedback' of information patients can learn to affect normally autonomic processes like heart rate and blood pressure. Can be used in hypnosis to teach tense patients how to relax.
- Birth Trauma - Trauma and anxiety caused by the rigours of the birth process. A possible cause of some free floating anxiety. Re-birthing (developed by Leonard Orr) is designed to reconnect and release the patient from the effects of this trauma. In hypnosis the patient would be regressed to this birth time, with similar effects.
- Blepharospasm - A condition which causes involuntary spasm and closure of the eyelids. Can have physiological or psychological origins. If the origins of the difficulty are found to be psychological it can be treated with hypnosis and /or behaviour therapy.
- Breast Growth - It is claimed by some clinicians that hypnosis and suggestion can be used to effect breast enlargement, though this may well turn out to be a storm in a D cup.
- Braid, James - A British physician and surgeon (1795 - 1860), known as the father of modern hypnosis after proposing the first modern theory of the state and conducting a good deal of research. He first used the name hypnosis in 'Neurypnology' his book published in 1843.
- Bruxism - A habitual condition in which patients unconsciously grind their teeth, usually during sleep. This condition can become so severe that serious damage is done to teeth and jaws. Usually of emotional origin, typically due to repressed anger and feelings of resentment, this condition can be treated successfully with hypnosis.
- Bulimia Nervosa - Bulimia Nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by intense desire to binge which is followed by self induced vomiting. Physical damage is not as apparent as with Anorexia Nervosa but it can be equally psychologically harmful. Much ego strengthening will be required. This condition can be treated with hypnosis but a number of sessions will be required.
Tom Connelly© connelly@hypnos.co.uk